Joey McDuffee

Joey McDuffee, VP for Blue Sage Solutions, has been dedicated to the development, support, and sales of mortgage origination technologies for more than 25 years. His successful sales, implementation, and problem-solving skills blend a combination of business knowledge and technical acumen to provide the most ideal approach to issues facing lenders daily. McDuffee has worked with a variety of the largest banks and mortgage companies across the country, including Wells Fargo, Citicorp, and JP Morgan Chase, designing, and implementing mortgage origination technology solutions and assisting with transformational process reengineering. Prior to leading sales at Blue Sage Solutions, Joey worked in the U.S. and abroad, as Head of Sales at Wipro Gallagher Solutions, and holding numerous management, technical services, and training roles. Joey has published a number of industry articles, participated in expert roundtables, and has been a speaker and panelist at industry conferences.
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